The Terry Ni Scholarship
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March 22, 2024

A letter from Terry Ni, the funder and the committee chairwoman of the TN engineering scholarship.

Dear Committee members of TN engineering scholarship,

Now is the time for the winners of the scholarship.

I have reviewed the recommendations from all of you, including your special concerns and comments.
I also took Nick‘s suggestion to provide seven scholarship instead of six this year. The total scholarship amount for 2024 will be $23,000.

We are very happy to see so many outstanding students we can choose from. I really appreciate your tremendous effort in making such difficult selections.
1. Joshua Hartlep

2. Nicholas Allbee

3. William Jepsen

4. Kathy Sun

5. Amelia Stalter

6. Ronil Laad

7. Nora Chmielewski
In memory of Heather Cotey

I hope everyone has a good summer and talk to you very soon.

Thanks again,
Terry Ni, PE

May 9, 2023

A Letter from Terry Ni, Founder of the TN Scholarship to the EFW (Engineers Foundation of Wisconsin) regarding the announcement of the 6 scholarship recipients for 2023.

Hi Everyone,

Our six member evaluation committee has completed the review and made their recommendations of the recipients to me. Once again, we have seen more than 30 outstanding applicants. It has always been difficult to choose just a few among so many. It is more so this year. For example, no selection members ranked the same applicant at the top of their list. It was the same for number 2. A total of 16 applicants were selected.

After carefully reviewing the information provided by all six selection members in comparison to the information provided by the EFW, I made the following selections in order of rank.

1. Brooke Stanley

TN Engineering Scholarship

2. Taylor Bergner

TN Engineering scholarship.

3. Andrew Fujimoto

TN Engineering Scholarship

4. Tiffany Stephens

TN Engineering Scholarship

5. Madison Bloch

TN Engineering Scholarship

6. Kendall Witt

TN Engineering Scholarship in memory of Heather Cotey.

Terry Ni, PE

May 11, 2022

Dear Friends,

Please see the information in the link below regarding the award received by Doctor Chen, a member of Selection committee of TN scholarship.

We would like to congratulate Dr. CC. Chen, for receiving such an honorable and extinguished Award. We are especially impressed with research as it focuses on energy efficiency which is also an important mission of our scholarship.

Terry Ni, PE (inactive)

April 18, 2022

A letter from Danika Wanish, a 2022 TN Engineering Scholarship recipient to Terry Ni, the Founder and Chairman of the Committee

Dear Ms. Ni,

I am grateful and honored to receive the Terry Ni Engineering Scholarship though the Engineers Foundation of Wisconsin. Thank you for this generous gift. Coming from a lower-income family, I will use this scholarship to help make my dream of attending college come true.

Although I have not yet decided where I will attend college next year, I enthusiastically look forward to studying engineering. With a focus on the environment, I hope to help develop solutions for sustainable communities and ecosystems in my career. I am currently taking a class in soil science and the content fascinates me; I hope to continue studying soil science through the lense of environmental engineering while in college.

Sincerely, Danika Wanish (from Madison, WI)

April 18, 2022

A letter from Matthew Kloehn, a 2022 TN Engineering Scholarship recipient, to the Wisconsin Society of Professional Engineers (WSPE)

Dear Ms. Jelacic,

Would you please forward the following message on to the other members of the Wisconsin Engineering Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee?

Dear Terry Ni Engineering Scholarship Selection Committee,

I am incredibly thankful, humbled, and honored to have been chosen for this award. I look forward to starting my education in engineering and hopefully using that education to make a difference in the quality of life for many. I look forward to one day having the opportunity to join this foundation as a fellow professional engineer and hope to pay this investment forward to future students.

Thank you again for this honor and this assistance with my education. I will work hard to be deserving of your recognition and your investment!


Matthew Kloehn

Marshfield High School Senior

March 22, 2022

A letter from Terry Ni, the Founder and Chairman of the Committee, to all the Committee members and the selection panel members

Dear Friends,

While we are missing one of our important committee members, Heather Cotey, we will continue our mission and I would will like to thank you for your time and support in selecting the 2022 TN Engineering Scholarship recipients. I really appreciate all of you because I can see that you put a lot of thought into the selection process.

It is difficult to choose from students with such good qualifications and different focuses in their careers in engineering. We want to make an investment in the students who will make the biggest positive influence in the engineering society in the future.

We have combined your selections into our final selection of the scholarship recipients. We feel that the selection highlights the new mission of the TN Engineering Scholarship which can improve and advance engineering technology which can lead to improve people’s sustainability.

This year we have decided to award one TN Engineering Scholarship in memory of Heather Cotey. Below are our final selections and dollar amount of scholarship awarded:

Danika Wanish - $5,000
Sophia Schumerth - $3,000
Matthew Kloehn - $3,000
Garrison Peak - $3,000
Mark Fieweger - $3,000
William Walsh (In memory of Heather Cotey) - $3,000

Again, I would like to thank you for your willingness to help the TN Scholarship selection process.

Terry Ni, PE (inactive)

December 20, 2021

A letter from Terry Ni, the Founder and Chairman of the Committee, to the President and officers of the Wisconsin Society of Prefessional Engineers (WSPE), and all of the Committee members and the selection panel members

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

With profound sadness, I am informing you that our good friend and colleague Heather Cotey passed away yesterday, December 19, 2021. As we all know, Heather was a strong person and she fought so hard with her illness.

She was dedicated, hard-working and always enthusiastic for her work and Community services. She is also a dear friend to me personally. She and I not the only worked together for over 24 years, but she also helped me create the TN Engineering Scholarship and she has been the primary administrator for the scholarship. I’m sure her energy, enthusiasm and warm smile will always stay in our hearts and be deeply missed.

Terry Ni, PE (inactive)

March 24, 2021

A letter from Terry Ni, the Chairman of the Committee, to all the Committee members and the selection panel members

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

I would like to thank you for your time and support in selecting the TN Scholarship recipients for 2021. I really appreciate all of you because I can see that you put a lot of thought into the selection process.

It is difficult to choose from students with such good qualifications and different focuses on their career in engineering. We want to make an investment in the students who will make the biggest positive influence in the engineering society in the future.

We have combined your selections into our final selection of the scholarship recipients. We feel that the selection highlights the new mission of the TN Scholarship which can improve and advance engineering technology which can lead to improve people’s sustainability.

Below are our final selections and dollar amount of scholarship awarded:
Ellen Toberman - $4,000
Josie Ronk - $4,000
Trey Baalke - $3,000
Vikram Ailani - $3,000
Allie Bacholl - $3,000
Kohler Zuehlke - $3,000

Again, I would like to thank you for your willingness to help the TN Scholarship selection process.

Terry Ni, PE (inactive)

June 17, 2019

Dear Friends and Colleagues –

I would like to thank you for your time and support in selecting the FREE Program Scholarship recipient for 2019. All of the applicants that were reviewed have strong academic performance and potential to become a successful professional in our engineering community.

The objective of the FREE Program is to award scholarship(s) based on the student's academic performance, technical activity involvement, extra-curricular activities and charitable community involvement and also their alignment with our mission. Based on this, we have decided to award this year's scholarship to Jonah Nguyen. He has good academic performance and a desire to become an environmental engineer in the areas of wastewater treatement and environmental remediation.

Jonah has career plans that closely match the mission of the FREE Program and his very high achievements in not only his school work but community also show his readiness to become an excellent engineer.

Please take a look at our FREE Program Scholarship website - - which has your brief background introduction. We hope this provides the students a clear expectation of their future career path they can follow and how they can be as successful as all of you.

Terry Ni, PE

June 14, 2018

Dear Friends and Colleagues –

This year, we are later to announce the scholarship recipient due to invited panel reviewers not being available or due to missing information in e-mail traffic. Hopefully, all of the invited reviewers will be available to assist the committee in selecting the scholarship recipient next year.

Again, I would like to thank you for your time and support in selecting the FREE Program Scholarship recipient. All of the applicants that were reviewed have high academic performance and potential to become a successful professional in our engineering community.

The objective of the FREE Program is to award scholarship(s) based on the student’s academic performance, technical activity involvement, extra-curricular activities and charitable community involvement and also their alignment with the mission. Based on this, we have decided to award the scholarship to Otto Anson. He has good academic performance and a desire to become a chemical engineer to design new and effective ways to clean up pollution, create sustainable energy sources and preserve the natural habitat. Otto has career plans that closely match the mission of the FREE program and his very high achievements in not only his school work but community also show his readiness to become an excellent engineer.

Please take a look at the updated FREE Program Scholarship website – – which has your brief background introduction. We hope this provides the students a clear expectation of their future career path they can follow and how they can be as successful as all of you.

Terry Ni, PE

May 23, 2017

Dear Friends and Colleagues –

Again, I would like to thank you for your time and support in selecting the FREE Program Scholarship recipient(s). All of the applicants who were reviewed have high academic performances and the potential to become successful professionals in our engineering community. The comments from the reviewers were highly diversified, and after further discussions with our board members, we have decided to contribute $3,000, to provide a $1,000 scholarship to three students.

The objective of the FREE Program is to award scholarship(s) based on students' academic performance, technical proficiency, extra-curricular activities, charitable community involvement, and their alignment with our mission statement. Based on this, we have decided to award scholarships to Keely Flanagan, Tyler LeMahieu, and Lauryn Roberts.
  • Keely Flanagan has great academic performance and the desire to become an environmental engineer to design ways to produce clean, safe water for people to drink.
  • Tyler LeMahieu also has excellent academic performance with a strong interest in forestry management.
  • Lauryn Roberts has great academic performance and would like to pursue a career in environmental engineering to help improve the distribution, preservation, and purification of water resources.
Each of these students has career plans that closely match the mission of the FREE program, and each of their very high achievements show their readiness to become excellent engineers, in not only their school work but also in their community.

Please take a look at the updated FREE Program Scholarship website – – which has their brief background introduction. We hope this provides the students a clear expectation of their future career path that they can follow and how they can be as successful as all of you.

Terry Ni, PE

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